Commercial building/Office
5839, Av. Papineau, Rosemont/La Petite-Patrie (Montréal) H2G 2W3
Enter the mortgage amount, the amortization period and the interest rate, then click «Calculate Payment» to obtain the periodic payment.
- OR -
Specify the payment you wish to perform and click «Calculate principal» to obtain the amount you could borrow. You must specify an interest rate and an amortization period.
*Results for illustrative purposes only.
*Rates are compounded semi-annually.
It is possible that your payments differ from those shown here.
Immeuble commercial abritant un garage de mécanique général bien établi, le local est présentement louer. Possibilité d'acheter la bâtisse adjacente sis au 5837-5835, Av. Papineau, Mtl, qui dispose d'un local commercial et d'un logement résidentiel à l'étage et ainsi augmenter votre espace et vos revenus de 47 400$ voir MLS 25175653.
Sale without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer's risk